Apartment TAC 01

App 2+2, Beach: 400 m, Air condition, SAT/TV, Wi-Fi, Barbecue in the garden, Parking More information
General terms and conditions for accommodation services
Tourist agency provides accommodation services in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions, and with the period and details of the confirmed reservation. Tourist agency is not liable for circumstances caused by conditions beyond its control, including wars, riots, strikes, acts of terrorism, natural disasters, sanitary disruptions, restrictions by local authorities, death or illness of service provider and the like.)
Inquiries and booking of accommodation can be done electronically, by mail or in person at the tourist office.
When booking, the customer confirms that he is familiar with the General Terms and Conditions, and that he accepts them in their entirety. When booking, the customer is required to give all the information necessary in the booking procedure.
When booking, the customer is required to pay an advance money of 30% of the total renting amount to the agency account also by bank or by credit card online via PayPal. In exceptional cases (such as short period reservation) it is necessary to pay more of 30% of the arrangement price (minimum of the advance payment is 70 EUR).
The rest of the payment till the total amount, must be paid at the arrival directly in the tourist agency. The payment on the reception shall be accepted with cash and credit cards (MAESTRO, VISA and MASTERCARD).
All service prices are listed for each accommodation unit, and include those services linked to the specific reservation for the unit desired. Additional services must be requested at the time of booking (air conditioning, using of washmashine, extra charge for pets, etc.).
The price of accommodation is given in EUR. Tourist agency reserves the right to make changes to the stated prices (in the event that the host changes prices). For customers who have paid an advance for their reservation, tourist agency guarantees the price of accommodation, stated in the calculation according to which the advance was paid.
If more customers than are stated on the voucher arrive at the accommodation unit, the host has the right to deny the extra customers accommodation or to accommodate all of the customers at extra charge directly made to the host. ( 8-12 €/day x person).
If there is no possibility to accommodate adittional persons in reserved unit, agency can offer additional unit to accommodate additional persons, where the same persons are obligated to pay the costs of additional unit. In the case where the additional persons could not be accomodated in firstly reserved unit and the guest chooses to change or cancel the accommodation, the Cancelation rules and charges would occur.
Accommodation units offered by tourist agency are described in accordance to the official categorization of the authorized institution and based on onsite assessment prior to being put in tourist agency's online offer.
Tourist agency reserves the right to change or modify a reservation in case of circumstances caused by conditions beyond its control that cannot be predicted, avoided or rectified (See Article 1). Booked accommodation can be substituted only by an accommodation unit of the same or higher category and at the price confirmed during booking, provided that customer is notified ahead of time.
Should the substitute accommodation be available only in an accommodation unit of higher category and should the price of the substitute accommodation be higher than the initially booked accommodation, tourist agency reserves the right to charge the price difference upon consulting the customer.
If the customer does not accept a substitute accommodation offered by tourist agency, then he has the right of advance money refund.
Should the customer wish to change or cancel a reservation, this must be done in written form (email, mail, or fax). The following are examples of changes: changes to the number of customers, changes to arrival / departure dates. Changes must be made at least 30 days prior to the arrival date.
The first change to the reservation is free of charge, unless it entails further expenses for tourist agency. For all further changes to the reservation, 15 EUR will be charged per change. Should a change to the reservation not be possible and should the customer cancel for this reason, the conditions for the cancellation of reservation listed below will be enforced.
In case of cancellation of confirmed accommodation reservation, the date of receipt of the written cancellation is used to calculate cancellation costs as follows:
- For the cancellation up to 31 days prior the arrival, traveler will receive full refund.
- For the cancellation in the period between 30 and 22 days before arrival date, 30% of the accommodation price will be charged,
- For the cancellation in the period between 21 and 8 days before arrival date, 70% of the accommodation price will be charged,
- For the cancellation in the period between 7 and 0 days before arrival date, 100% of the accommodation price will be charged.
Should the customer not arrive at the booked accommodation unit before midnight on the arrival date, and the customer has not informed tourist agency, the reservation is considered to be cancelled, and therefore the cancellation costs will be charged as described above. No money will be refunded in case of earlier departure.
It is tourist agency's obligation to take care of provided services, hosts, and customers' interests and rights according to accepted customs and practices in tourism. Tourist agency will carry out all stated obligations in full and as described above, except in circumstances caused by conditions beyond its control (Article 1), when Article 5 is applied.
The customer is required:
- to have valid travel documents or visa when is necessary,
- to obey customs regulations and currency exchange regulations of Croatia,
- to obey house rules in accommodation units and to have good relations with the host,
- to produce the confirmation of payment (received by mail or email) upon arrival.
Should the customer not follow the above listed obligations, the customer is liable for caused damage and must cover the expenses. By confirming the reservation, the customer accepts to pay for all damages caused directly to the host.
Should the services provided not be satisfactory, the customer is entitled to seek reasonable compensation by filing a written complaint. Every customer is entitled to file a complaint if the paid service is not provided. Every customer - reservation holder, files a separate complaint.
Complaint procedure:
If the traveler is not satisfied with a specific situation upon arrival, he is obligated to inform the representative of service provider (owner of accommodation, etc.) as well as inform tourist agency representative immediately, giving explanation to his dissatisfaction. The traveler should contact service provider first and try to get a satisfactory solution directly on the spot. The traveler is obligated to cooperate with the service provider and tourist agency in good will to solve the problem. If the traveler accepts a proposed solution on the spot, agency is not obligated to accept any further complaints.
If the problem is not solved during the stay, within 14 days after reservation was ended, the guest has to deliver a complaint in writing to tourist agency, enclosing the written complaint together with all documentation and photographs which proves the complaint, by e-mail or regular mail. Tourist agency will consider only complete and documented complaints received within 14 days of guest's departure.
While the solving of complaint lasts, at most 14, that is 28 days after the complaint is made, the traveler will not use any other person, UHPA, other institutions, or giving information in the media. Also, during this period, the traveler agrees not to sue or press charges.
The highest compensation regarding a complaint can be the amount of the objected part of the service, but cannot cover already used services or the complete amount for the accommodation used. That excludes the right of the traveler to any compensation of non material or optimal damage. Tourist agency can not be considered responsible for weather conditions, sea temperature, or other similar situations or events that are unsatisfactory, and are not directly connected with quality of the reserved accommodation unit (bad weather, bad beach, public beach is far from the accommodation, traffic jams, crime, etc.).
The guest and the agency will try to resolve any disputes on the application of this Agreement by mutual agreement, otherwise they are subject to the decision of the competent Municipal Court in Pula, and the applicable law will be Croatian law.
Data collected through the reservation form are considered personal data and are subject to the protection prescribed by the applicable regulations of the Republic of Croatia. The stated data will be used only for the purpose of exercising the rights and fulfilling the obligations based on the reservation received through our website, and will not be used for other purposes. By confirming the reservation, you confirm that the information provided in the booking form is true and correct and that you are aware of the purpose of its collection and processing.